Saturday 22 September 2012

Please Mr. Postman

Dear Readers,

Is the Postman delivered the letter to the wrong address?
Is the Postman delivered someone's letter to the wrong person?

At SPH (Si-Peh-Ho) , we have sent out our reporters to investigate all parties concern.
Please grab a copy online "THE STRAIGHT TIMES"  at no extra cost.


Reporter : Excuse me, 阿B说
Have the Postman delivered your letter to the RIGHT address and RIGHT person?

阿B说 : The Postman had delivered to the RIGHT address and RIGHT person lah.

Reporter : Why do you have a change of mind to retrieve back the letter? Is there someone threatening you??

阿B说 : No lah, After soul-searching and self-reflection, I realised it is inappropriate to interfere with politcs lah.

Reporter : Do you mean that it is your practice to draft letter without given a thought?

阿B说 : At that moment, my thought was Jesus suffered at the CROSS ( + ) without given a fair trial. Therefore, everyone must be given a fair trial before he is being imprisoned.
But! After self-reflection, I came to my senses that history cannot be reverted and I do not wish to impeach others.

Reporter : Can I take it that you have no faith in yourself as well as to others?

阿B说 : Aiyah! Please stop asking me lah. You know hor?? I am very confused lah.

Reporter : In this case, let me turn to the receipent of the letter, FUNCTION HALL.
Why must your group get 阿B说 involved? Don't you know that it is unethical  to involve religions against politcs?

Function Hall : We have never demand nor threatened 阿B说 to draft the letter. He is a willing party. Also, which country does not get religions involved in politcs? Take a few example, the middle east countries created riot with full support from their religion. Take a look at China, the "FALUKONG" and  Burma , Thailand and South Korea. The monks took to the streets and pour kerosine to themselves before setting themsleves with fire. It is the only way that we can get the govt to change and abolish the ISA.

Reporter : Please think carefully. Those countries that you had mentioned are ruled by RELIGIONS.
Do you want our country to rule by a single religion?

Function Hall : Why not! It is ideally to push forward our mighty faith.

Reporter : You can keep whatever faith you liked but do not force it on others. Everyone has a RIGHTs to practice their faith. This is the most basic human rights we have to respect others.
Understand! You fight as fierce as a tiger and as honourable as a gentleman.

Function Hall : How to fight when the govt keep shifting the goal-post?

Reporter : If you do not know the RIGHT ways, what made you so sure to fight for justice?
If I have to teach you this simple RIGHT way, then , you are not qualified to lead the people.
Got it!!!
Enough of bullshitting, I have to take leave to cover other story.



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